Community Safety
Providing Age Appropriate Intervention
Community safety is of the utmost importance when addressing fire setting behavior in children and adolescents. This is why we take every step to insure our youth understand the serious consequences fire setting activities can cause. Understanding the development of various types of fire setting behavior we are able to determine if there is little risk, some risk or extreme risk and provide age appropriate intervention.
Youth Firesetter Prevention & Intervention (YFPI) utilizes the screening program developed by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the United States Fire Administration (USFA) to evaluate children who have been involved in fire setting.
The evaluation tool assesses the risk of future fire setting behavior by looking at the physical, cognitive, emotional, psychiatric motivation and demographic characteristics of the child and family.
All identified youth ages 5-18 and their families attend the YFPI class which is a program of Youth Options Shasta & partnership with the Shasta Arson Task Force. Currently we have a 3% recidivism rate as a result of this program.
Through proper evaluation and a combination of positive parenting, effective school and fire service education programs, therapy, and community engagement future fire setting behavior can be reduced among youth.
For more information please contact:
Jas Shaw, Youth Fire Prevention Specialist ll
Phone: 530-917-2915 or via email at