Options That Change Lives
Understanding and knowledge is a powerful life tool. Youth Options Shasta offers classes that address relevant issues facing youth and their families. We are here to provide tools to get you to where you want to be.

- For students to understand basic information about tobacco products, including e-cigarettes/vape pens, and the harm they cause
- For students to gain awareness of strategies manufactures of tobacco, including e-cigarettes/vape pens employ to increase use among adolescents through deceptive and creative marketing strategies
- For students to gain skills to refuse experimentation and use of tobacco
- Brain 101
- Wants, Needs, and Addiction
- Addiction 101
- Nicotine Addiction
- Cell Phone Deprivation
- Tobacco Myths & Discussion
- Recipe of a Cigarette
- E-Cigarette and Vape Pen 101
- Flavors, Manipulation, and Targeting
- Creative Ways to say NO
- Influences & Costs & More

Students learn useful tools that promote financial literacy and fiscal responsibility. The instructor will cover detailed information about adolescent brain development and the decision-making process while planning for the future. This 1.5 hour simulation gives high school students a sense of adulthood with income and bills to pay. Each participant is assigned a temporary identity, including occupation, salary, debt, marital status, and children, etc. They visit nine “merchants” in Mad City to choose housing and transportation, and purchase necessities and wants. The goal is to simulate the realities of approaching financial responsibilities.
Call 530-244-7194 for current schedule or email